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⊙△⊙ Wiseman is a professional STEAM education company, integration of school curriculum, learning and teaching program and teacher training. It provides schools with innovative and effec...Wiseman是一个英语单词,指的是“智者”、“贤者”、“哲人”的意思。它由“wise”(智慧)和“man”(人)两个单词组合而成,形象地描述了一个具有智慧和学识的人。在英语中,Wiseman通常...


Wiseman Wiseman是什么意思、Wiseman怎么读 读音:英['waizmən] 美['waizmən] Wiseman 基本解释 怀斯曼(姓氏) 词组短语 1、wiseman is 怀斯曼是 2、ari wiseman 阿里怀...Wiseman [ˈwaizmən] 释义 怀斯曼(姓氏) 点击人工翻译,了解更多 人工释义 实用场景例句 全部 We ended with Blake's Jerusalem, accompanied on the organ by HerbertWisema...


Wiseman的例句: 点赞:6025浏览:65561 生僻成语小百科 蹇蹇匪躬蹇,通“謇”。指为君国而忠直谏 » 梗泛萍漂断梗、浮萍在水中漂浮。比喻漂泊流离。 » 撼树蚍蜉撼:摇动。蚍蜉:...You can find more details and events here MORE>> 实力优势 You can find more details and events here MORE>> 最新资讯 You can find all the lasted news and events here MORE>>...